Sunday, September 20, 2009

Zest Review

Today, I discovered this bottle of Zest Ocean Energy Shower Gel. Now, I've tried many a shower gel, but all of them leave my body smelling like a cranberry flavored dumpster mere hours after using it. Axe is the best shower gel you say? I should punch you in the mouth. That stuff is like bottled frustration. Sure it smells great in the bottle, but how does that matter. Made with cactus extract? What the hell is that? And why is it in my shower gel? If I wanted to lather cactus all over my body... Actually i would never want that. Axe, you suck. Zest on the other hand, well let me give you a play by play. I opened up the bottle and take a whiff. Dear sweet baby jeebus. Is there crack in this bottle? I don't believe I've smelled something quite this unbelievable before. So great, what else is new? A good smelling shower gel. Big deal. Well, I use the stuff and now its been a whole day. After working in Chuck E. Cheese, washing a house, cutting potato leaves, and being generally active all day long, I still smell like a bed of roses. No joke. If you don't go buy a bottle of this stuff asap, you're dumb. So, in conclusion, Zest, Congratulations. You rock.

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